Thanks to KGS!

Wow what a great day we had here at FT Jackson. It was bitter sweet though. The mission that I am on here will be changing g soon and my Battalion is folding colors and going home in a few weeks. Over the last year we have been honored to have a local band called Kenny Got Saved leading our music twice a month. Jared, Brian, Jeff and Dean have been a blessing to us. They provide relevant worship for this generation. They also write songs from their heart. As they have partnered with us over the last year over 400 soldiers have received Christ as their savior. Today was no different with 10 more coming forward, to include one young lady who had never been to church in her life. Today however was the last time they will be with us due to the end of our mission and other commitments to family and ministry that they have. But my affiliation with them has not ended. We are praying about doing some ministry together where they bring their talents for music I would speak at events as they come along. Would you please pray with us as we seek God for His direction. I've included a picture of them and you can access their web-site by clicking on the link in this article. If you are interested in having us come to your event please contact me and we'll be glad to set something up. So to all the guys in the band and their families, thank you so much for being a blessing to us. We are grateful to have served with you! And I look forward to many more opportunities in the future!


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