It won't be on ESPN or on FOXSports. It won't be written about in Sports Illustrated but something great happened in a small town in NC. For the last 5 years my Alma Mater, Statesville High School has been the butt of jokes and the patsy on everyones schedule. I have been involved with the football team as a volunteer coach and chaplain for the last 6 years, but the last three I've been away on active duty. Now I'm home and I'm getting to see something great happen. Our head coach and one of my closest friends is Randal Gusler. He's a quiet leader but a guy who loves high school kids. He is in just his 2nd year as head coach for Statesville, but he served at least 11 years here as an assistant. He loves Jesus too. His faith is evident by the way he talks to the kids. He's never harsh or degrading. He always tells the truth and he lifts them up when they do well. His attitude carries over to the rest of the coaching staff as well. Last night we played Mooreseville, a town to our South and with whom we have a pretty intense rivalry. Every year the winner of that game gets to take home the Gridiron Cup. We hung on for a 10-7 victory last night and today our cup runneth over. We give thanks to God for the honor of living in this country that is free where we can live our lives and enjoy high school football. I'm thankful to our armed services who stand on the wall for us while we play. The video above is the post game celebration.....enjoy!


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