My new hero!

This handsome little guy is Hunter Monk. He lives near Roanoke, Virginia and I had the privilege of meeting him this weekend. Hunter and I have the same hairdo, mine is from age, his is from radiation treatments. Hunter has leukemia. But, Hunter is also a 7 year old boy and even though his body is filled with a disease that can kill him, his life is in tact. He runs and plays with his brother. His name betrays one of his great loves in life, hunting of course. He told me about a coon that he had taken. He skinned it but the flies got to hide at and ate it up. What a blessing just to be around him and his family. I met Hunter while speaking at a wild game dinner this weekend put on by some great people at Southside Baptist Church and my new friend Steve Jones.

I've met some courageous people in the military. I've met men who have faced danger, fear, gunfire and IED's. But I have a new hero and its Hunter. A few months ago his kidneys failed and he almost died. But if you look in his eyes you can see that there is abundant life there.

My heart was touched by him and his infectious smile. We all want to ask why, why did this happen to such an awesome little guy. I don't know. I do know this that there will be a day when cancer and disease, war and hate, crime and jails no longer exist. It is the hope of the Kingdom. It is the hope of the promises of our God, that He will wipe away every tear and there will be no more death. But also remember that Jesus heals. So we pray for healing continually.

Please pray for Hunter as he is going to have tests run to see if he can handle chemo-therapy this week. Hunter has a long way to go, but we continue to pray for him and support his family.

His family has no insurance and are having to rely on the generosity of others to help with day to day needs. If you are reading this and you are moved to help this amazing kid in his fight please contact me and I can put you in touch with the folks that are helping his family out. You can do so through the comments section or by going to my profile and clicking the link for my email address.

To God be the glory


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