The Blessing Lady

Physical training or PT is a part of life on a military installation. During our slow times of the year and during winter, I spend alot of time at Perez Gym. Its a great facility on FT Jackson to get my "PT On". Today I ran into a very special lady. I call her the blessing lady, but her name is Dean. I don't know how old she is, but her granddaddy fought in the Civil War. She's seen alot in her years. I was watching her today as she walked around the track and periodiclly she stopped and talked with people. She puts her hand on their shoulder and then I see each person close their eyes. She was praying for them. She did this for me a few months ago. Now being a Chaplain I'm supposed to be all spiritual. But her level of boldness just to reach out to people was inspiring to me. She walked up to me one day and said, "Have I blessed you yet?" I said, "No you haven't but I'll sure take one!" So she did. She prayed for me and she does this for so many at Perez Gym. She probably doesn't realize that she is the blessing. I fear that this generation has lost its respect for the "gray hairs". Dean is a blessing to me becasue her whole mission in life is to come to the gym and "bless" people. I suppose some people feel a bit uncomfortable with that, but she's cool with it, she just keeps on blessing. I hope and pray that if God allows me to see my 80's that I'll be a blessing to others then as she is now. Hope you enjoy the picture of the blessing lady!


Anonymous said…
I think I'll have to come to Perez Gym when I'm at Jackson just so I can meet the blessing lady.

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