New Blog Post- Tribute to an old dog

The picture above is of our dog Levi in his normal fashion keeping watch on the yard from his guard post. We got Levi from an adoption program 13.5 years ago just after our other dog Austin got killed by a car. Levi, part beagle and something else turned out to be an amazing little dog. He was friends with everyone. Always minded, never ran off and was just a great dog. He loved us and our kids. He barked at people in the yard, but the minute he know we liked them he did too. Just hard to put a value on that.

A week ago Levi started showing signs that something was wrong and sure enough after a trip to the vet, we found he had a bad infection. A couple days later he quit eating. He looked so sad. It was brutal. I took him back to the hospital on Friday and the doc said they'd do what they could with him...13.5 years old is getting up there for a dog.

On Saturday we found out that Levi had an infection that was causing his white blood cells to attack his red cells. He was in need of a blood transfusion. The thing was the doc said that there was no guarantee that it would help him. It was one of those moments in life that you know are coming, but you don't want to face.

After some tears and discussion we decided that we'd rather see Levi's suffering end than to prolong his life, maybe a few months, albeit quite possibly with more suffering to come.

My kids and I went to the vet, where we found our little dog resting in one of their pens. In a moment I have never experienced with my kids, we all knelt by Levi and told him we loved him. We told him he was so good, that's what we always said to him. Because he was. I told him I was going to take him home.

We cried together as a family and we let the doc ease his pain. Then we took Levi home, my friend Robbie I laid him to rest in our back yard under the trees that he loved to patrol. I hope it doesn't sound silly to you, but we grieve for our dog today.

We did our devotion time yesterday and tried to answer the question, "Are there pets in heaven?" Although the Bible is silent on pets, it is not silent on the fact that God created animals and He loves His creation. We certainly learn unconditional love from our pets, that is for sure. And who is the author of unconditional love.

Could it be that God is that involved in our lives, even in the pets we have? I believe so.
How could Heaven be Heaven without the things we love, to include our pets?

I will not be shocked if I enter into heaven and waiting patiently for me there is a little yellow beagle that answers to the name of Levi.

I really believe that God is that good!


Jenni :) said…
Such a beautiful sentiment :) So sorry for your loss. As the owner of a 12 year old dog, I dread the day when I have to make such a decision. Keeping you & your family in prayer for strength & comfort.

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