Bed Bugs!
I’m pretty sure that I live in the 21st century. I have all the modern conveniences of the space age life. I have a cell phone that looks like something on Star Trek. I have high speed internet where I post and you get to read my wonderfully imaginative blog, (although not updated as often as I would like). I have a computer that can do millions of calculations in seconds. I have a GPS device that tells me how slow or fast I am running, most of the time how slow. I rarely get sick due to modern medical breakthroughs like antibiotics and vaccines that have rid our nation of polio, small pox and other maladies that used to kill by the thousands. We have herbicides and pesticides that keep mice, roaches and ants away. But in this modern, high tech, high speed, low drag world I have found a pestilence that refuses to bow to man’s best attempts at Utopia. It’s the most evil of all insects, preying and feeding on us like vampires….the dreaded bed bug! I used to say it…”good night, sleep tigh...