422nd Civil Affairs

The link below (Stories) includes a blurb about the new unit that I am with. It is the 422nd Civil Affairs BN "Centurions". Today we held our first Chapel service there with about 40 in attendance. I was amazed at the turnout. I preached one of my favorite passages from Matthew entitled "Jesus is amazed at soldiers!" That passage is about a Roman Centurion who needs the help of Jesus with a sick servant. He demonstrates two qualities, his understanding that he was powerless over his situation and his recognition of Jesus' total authority. Jesus was astonished at his faith. 1SG Winchester told me that our Battalion was named Centurions with that passage in mind, because the soldiers of that unit showed great faithfulness to their mission. Civil Affairs is a small unit mission that are boots on the ground warriors winning the peace in Iraq and Afghanistan and around the world by reaching out to the community by coordinating and supplying needs. I'm proud to b...