Nepal 2008

It all began with a conversation with my brother Steve about 8 or 9 years ago. He asked a very thoughtful question about the fairness of God. We were on a long road trip from Texas to NC in a rented U-Haul truck towing a VW van, being brothers and discussing life. The question of Jesus came up. We talked about the Bible and the history and hipocracy of the church, intelligent design, ethics, the resurrection, historical reliability of the Bible and the fairness of God. Steve asked the question, "If Jesus is the only way to heaven, then what about the guy whose never heard living on a mountain in Nepal?" Now in seminary I learned all kinds of theological and philosophical answers to this. But sometimes those answers, though based in truth and sound reason, just don't meet us at our human level. I thought about his question for while and decided that I wouldn't give him the seminary answer. I decided I'd give him the answer that I beleive Jesus wanted me to give. I ...