The Light Shines

I was 28 years old and I was blind. I had been this way since birth.

I didn't know I was blind. But I knew something was wrong.
Blindness leads to fumbling in the dark and bumping into things. You don't know when you are in danger, close to a cliff or near a something that can hurt you.

You do a lot of wandering when you are blind. In my blindness I was unable to help my own state, incapable of changing anything.

I tried, believe me I tried. Over and over again I set out to see, but blind people cannot see.

Blindness is simply the inability to perceive light. Light is everywhere, but if you cannot perceive it, you can't see the world or yourself for what it really is.

Then it happened. I'm not sure why it happened. I'm not sure why in respect to the timing that my healing took place. All I do know is that its much like the song, I was blind and then I saw and now I continue to see.

It wasn't because I was special or talented. It wasn't because I did the right things or took the right steps.

It was simply something that was initiated outside of my self by Someone far more powerful than me.

25 years ago today, the Light of Life was shown to me. What have I seen since living in the light?

Best summed up in a few points I suppose:

1. I see Jesus. I see Him as Savior. I see Him as Lord. He is all and I am in Him
2. I see myself. Jesus gave me eyes to see myself as a son of my Father, adopted, an heir, fully loved in light.
3. I see others. I see others made in His image, some walking in light some still trapped in a world without the Light and walking in darkness. Because I was shown the Light, I understand the plight and know that the only path is the perception of this Light. So, I declare the Light with words and deeds, hoping to shine so that some might was done for me.

25 years later.... what do I feel?
Deep gratitude
Immense hope

25 Years later.... what do I know
I am a son
I am in Him
I can see

This is enough

The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it


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