19 years today

 This is an email I sent to our employees today. 

On this day 19 years ago I was installing a sliding glass door for a lady in Troutman with my buddy Nathan. It was a normal day, crisp clear skies, fall had arrived a bit early that year. I was just trying to earn a living and take care of my wife and my 6 and 3 year old kids. Then, at 08:49 everything changed. I saw it happen live on TV as peered through the new door I was installing. I was just a normal man and 35 years old. 

Because of that, at 37 years old I found myself at the Chaplain Officer Basic Leadership Course and it wouldn't be long after that I'd find myself far from home in the middle of a war. 

I've buried many friends killed in combat who joined after that fateful day

In fact, I am serving here at Purple Heart Homes because of that day, for had that day not happened, I would have gone on putting in sliding glass doors for nice people and caring for my growing family. 

It's funny how one singular event can have so many ripple effects in even just one person's life. 

Tammy and I shared our morning coffee today and she looked at me and said, "Oh my goodness, its 9-11" and then she started to cry as if reliving that day all over again. She was frustrated that for a brief moment that she had forgotten. 

We are in fact forgetful creatures aren't we 

I fear we have a generation now that so easily forgets and has very little connection to the events of 9-11. They have no recollection of the skies that went silent that day. They don't remember the collective pause this country took. They don't remember the good will between citizens in the days and weeks that followed. 

Now, instead we see anger, uproar and unsolvable disputes on social media

What are we to do? 

You probably have some ideas but here are mine

1. Lets not forget, not just that awful day, lets not forget what it felt like to come together in the days that followed....so remember that possibility today
2. Let's not forget that the next generation needs to be informed and stories need to be told.....so tell them
3. Lets not forget that ultimately Jesus is saving the world and we are not in charge of that, but we get to help....so trust that

Grace and Peace


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